Friday, March 06, 2009

"Non-transferable ang kasalan"

That's what Lemon told me when we saw each other. I can't tell what the specifics are but it's about a person who would like to take on another person's sin. And it made me think of Jesus. I thought how appropriate the topic was since it was the beginning of Lent.

There are times, when our loved ones would like to take on our sins or we'd like to carry the burden of our loved one's sins but most of the time, we would not even like to acknowledge our own sins.

It is heavy to carry the responsibility of a wrongdoing. All the more when it's not yours. But what about Jesus? What made Him carry all our sins to deliver us from them? His Father's will? His Father's love? His Great love?

I would like to believe that indeed God so loved the world that He did give His only Son. And yet Jesus in the garden asked His own Father to let the pass cup from Him. But it was to be. And He did it willingly.

And I think of the person that Lemon said ... and she retorted with that quote. I'm just glad that Jesus did take on our sins. Imagine if God told us that ... you and you alone will carry the burden of your sins and you will live in eternal damnation and you shall go to hell. Hmmm ... I would be totally scared.

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